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Siemens RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platforms

Table of Contents

    Our Multi-Service Platforms are ideal for high-performance industrial networks. Designed to exceed IEC 61850-3 requirements, these utility-grade modular devices integrate Layer 2 switching, Layer 3 routing, cybersecurity and management functionalities on the same physical infrastructure. Read on to learn more about our platforms or use the RUGGEDCOM Selector to configure the products you need.

    RUGGEDCOM Selector

    Our Multi-Service Platforms are ideal for high-performance industrial networks. Designed to exceed IEC 61850-3 requirements, these utility-grade modular devices integrate Layer 2 switching, Layer 3 routing, cybersecurity and management functionalities on the same physical infrastructure. Read on to learn more about our platforms or use the RUGGEDCOM Selector to configure the products you need.

    RUGGEDCOM Selector


    Article information

    Author: Stephanie Hodges

    Last Updated: 1704356162

    Views: 1435

    Rating: 4.4 / 5 (32 voted)

    Reviews: 98% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Stephanie Hodges

    Birthday: 1965-10-14

    Address: 4563 Fischer Stravenue, New Ambermouth, OR 41561

    Phone: +4474938836507742

    Job: Video Game Designer

    Hobby: Horseback Riding, Role-Playing Games, Embroidery, Chess, Lock Picking, Raspberry Pi, Card Collecting

    Introduction: My name is Stephanie Hodges, I am a vivid, accomplished, apt, intrepid, tenacious, Gifted, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.